

I’m Sanna, founder & creator of SannaSoSanna.com.
I started this place many years ago, but now I finally understand what I want it to be, so lets go.

This place is about kindness, spirituality & Reiki. It’s also a place for inspiration, motivation & what I want, is to help people to help themselves. Transform lives and inspire you to maybe get another mindset so your life can be better, greater, lovingly and also reach your best potential.

Change things you don’t like about your life, from big to the tiniest things.
Maybe delete some that brings you down  and create new possibilities to live a more fulfilled life.
Maybe see wishes and dreams come true.
Take that 1st step into something new and different. Maybe something wonderful & amazing.

To dream. To dare. To do.

To have faith in yourself, trust yourself and your capabilities. Capabilities to change.
This is my intention for you & for this place.

You are so very welcome <3

So, how does my own life look like? Who am I to be so bold in my statement?

I am a mom to 4 grown-up fantastic, amazing children. 2 boys and 2 daughters.
I gave birth to them all in 5 years, a long time ago.

I’m also a grandmother of 6, soon to be 7 – beautiful, energetic, stubborn, funny and playful lovely grandchildren. Everyone holds my heart and I feel very blessed.

I am also the Guardian to a 6 year old Ragdoll – my furry, sweet and so very loved, Mr. Bishop. 
He’s my best friend! I can tell him everything that goes on in my mind, all my secrets, and I know he won’t tell anyone.

I live in a small house with a small garden, in Stockholm, Sweden.
In my garden I grow herbs, grapes, potatoes, tomatoes, flowers and more. 
Love to sit here and read a book or just listen to the birds. 

I am spiritual, not religious. There’s a difference.

I have survived (at least this far) everything life consists of, far more than one is supposed to experience. 

I work in the Security area, for 25 years now and I’m looking forward to an early retirement. Phew – soon.

I’m a summer person. I love beaches and the sun. I love long family dinners with great  food and tasty drinks along with lots of laughter. Sitting in the wintertime I’m longing for lazy beautiful summer days…but winter has its good times too. Hot chocolate, candles and fire in the fireplace, feeling the warmth spread when it’s snowy winter storms outside.
As long as you don’t have to step out, that is.

My spirituality has grown during the years. It’s my way to find balance, serenity, faith, love, hope, inner peace and gratitude, in a chaotic world.

I believe in the Higher Power, God, Universe or what you want to call it- Maybe Marlene? Carl?
The name doesn’t matter. You can call it whatever you like.

For many, many years if someone asked me, i could say I believed in something, but what that was, I didn’t know.
Today, I say I believe in the Creator of the Universe, the most Divine intelligence.

Everything in this Universe is built out of energy. And this energy is constantly moving. 
Therefore my belief and interest in Reiki and many other things, based on energy.
Some say hokus pokus…

During my years here on Planet Earth, through life, I’ve developed a different & unique mindset, due to life lessons and a fire burning in my Solar Plexus.
A fire telling  me, calling me to live an extra-ordinary life. 
I’ve been told I was stubborn as few already when I was a 2-year little girl. I guess I still am.
So, ordinary? Me? Nope!

So, there it is. 
A small, tiny bit – just an ounce – of me.

I hope you and  others will find some pieces & bits here on sannasosanna.com, that will inspire and motivate.

All of it might not be your cup of tea, but hopefully you will find something that sparks the glitter in your eyes once again or light up a little glimpse of possibilities.
Maybe you can find your “Dolce far niente” & feel great about that.

Gratitude through this day/ Love Sanna

Sanna Summer of 2024
Sanna Summer of 2024
My Ragdoll cat Mr. Bishop
My Ragdoll cat Mr. Bishop